Drug Treatment

Drug Treatment in in Denison, Greenville, Dallas, or San Antonio, TX

Effective Approaches to Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug Treatment in San Antonio, Greenville, and Denison, TX

Drug addiction of any kind should be taken seriously. Of course, we also understand how challenging it can be to deal with addiction on your own, as the chances of relapse can be high. If you are living with drug addiction in the Denison, Greenville, Dallas or San Antonio areas, there’s professional help available. You do not have to battle your addiction alone.

Recognizing the Problem

The most important step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Most people ignore signs of addiction or make excuses for their behavior; however if you want to get the treatment you need to lead a healthier, happier life you will have to determine whether you are dealing with an addiction. Symptoms of drug addiction can include,

  • Intense urges or cravings for the drug
  • A high tolerance for the drug, often requiring a higher and higher dose
  • Keeping a supply available at all times
  • Risky behaviors while under the influence
  • Not meeting work or social obligations or isolating oneself
  • Causing physical or psychological harm while on the drug
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug

Treating Your Drug Addiction

If you said “yes” to many of the symptoms above then it’s time that you took your drug dependence seriously. There is hope. Turning to an addiction specialist can help make your recovery easier and more successful with less of a chance for relapse.

Addiction specialists like our own Dr. Sullivan Bryant are medical doctors, which means that they can treat the mental and physical ailments and issues that may arise when kicking a drug addiction and provide you with treatment options that will lessen or prevent withdrawal symptoms.

During your consultation, we will discuss your health, lifestyle, and current issues to create a customized treatment plan that will help safely wean you from the drug and treat your addiction.

If you or a loved one is looking for drug addiction treatment in Denison, Greenville, Dallas, or San Antonio, TX, then call Axcel Treatment and Recovery Clinic today at (866) 662-8282 to schedule an appointment.